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Liquid Nano Coating - 2% Polymer 500ml (740g)

[Part Number: NANOCOAT200-2-500ML]
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Lead-Free / RoHS 3 Compliant / REACH Compliant
Liquid Nano Coating 2% Polymer in 500ml (740g) can

Product Highlights
Adheres to plastic, metal, glass, ceramic, PTFE, PCBs. RoHS, REACH, WEEE compliant. Cost effective alternative to traditional coatings. No VOCs. Repels oil and water. Resistant to Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA). Easy to apply. Short processing times. Heat cure optional. Solder through repairable. Chemically resistant. Masking optional. Easily reworkable.

Product Uses
Fluidic Devices, Biomedical Devices, Printed Circuit Boards, Micro Motors, Ball Bearing Tracks, MEMS, Inkjet Print Heads, LED assemblies, Metal Mesh.

NANOCOAT200 dried film is biocompatible (not harmful to living tissue).

Chemistry: C6 fluoro-carbon
Density: 1.48 g/ml
Viscosity: >0.41 cP depending on polymer concentration
Silicone Content: Silicone Free, does not contain silicone
Application Options: Dipping, spraying, brushing, syringe-dispensing
Dry Time: 5-30 seconds
Cure Time: No cure required, optional room temperature for 24 hours or 10 minutes at 60C
Maximum Operating Temperature (of dried film): 175C (347F)
Thickness: 0.1-1.0 um (depending on concentration and application method)
UV Tracer Present: No
Percent Polymer: 2%
Packaging: 500ml Can (740g net weight)

Concentration and Thickness Guide
Film thickness at 2% polymer: ~0.1um
Film thickness at 4% polymer: ~0.5um
Film thickness at 10% polymer: ~1.0um

Resistance to chemical and mechanical attack
The nano coating itself is electrically non-conductive. However, at 0.1um thickness, measurement probes are able to mechanically penetrate the coating. At 0.1um the coating is resistive to oil and water.

Shelf Life
>24 months

Brushes used to apply Liquid Nano Coating can be soaked in IPA when not in use, to help limit coating of the brush bristles. Allow the IPA to evaporate off before using the brush to apply more Liquid Nano Coating.

UV Tracer Fluorescence Bandwidth
For Nano Coat part numbers containing the letters "UV", UV tracer has been added to enable verification that the coating has been applied. The UV tracer makes the coating visible when ultra violet light in the bandwidth of 400-500nm is directed at the coating.

Storage and Handling
Store at room temperature 20-25C (68-77F).

This product has no shipping restrictions. Shipping below 0C (32F) or above 25C (77F) for normal transit times by ground or air will not impact this product's stated shelf life.


MSDS Sheet
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Estimate for United States
US Mail$4.00
UPS Ground$10.00
Fedex Overnight$16.00

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