Lead-Free / RoHS 3 Compliant / REACH Compliant
Smooth FlowTM Technology
Developed with a lower density flux vehicle for better shear spread and improved flow during heating
Halogen Free (EN14582 test method)
Alloy: Sn42/Bi57.6/Ag0.4
Flux Type: Synthetic No-Clean
Flux Classification: ROL0
Metal Content: 89.25% metal by weight.
Particle Size: T5 (15-25 microns)
Melting Point: 138C (281F)
Size: 50g jar
Shelf Life
Refrigerated >6 months, unrefrigerated >2 months
Stencil Life
>8 hours @ 20-50% RH 22-28C (72-82F)
>4 hours @ 50-70% RH 22-28C (72-82F)
Stencil Cleaning
Automated stencil cleaning systems for both stencil and misprinted boards. Manual cleaning using isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
Storage and Handling
Refrigerate at 3-8C (37-46F). Do not freeze. Allow 4 hours for solder paste to reach an operating temperature of 20-25C (68-77F) before use.
This product has no shipping restrictions. Shipping below 0C (32F) or above 25C (77F) for normal transit times by ground or air will not impact this product's stated shelf life.
Datasheet MSDS Sheet